There is a growing recognition of the critical role data can play in improving the nutritional outcomes of women and children. The recently released Global Nutrition Report highlights the need for a nutrition "data revolution" to improve global and country efforts to track progress, improve decision-making, and ensure accountability. Since its inception, SPRING has a placed a high priority on collecting and using data to strengthen programs and contribute to the global evidence-base. Drawing on SPRING's team of nutrition, agriculture, and behavior change experts, SPRING will be hosting a series of webinars on Better Data for Nutrition to discuss tools and solutions on how we can address data gaps and make better use of data. This series will provide an exciting opportunity for global nutrition practitioners to reflect on how data can support and improve global nutrition programming. Webinar topics will include:
- Collection and use of Demographic Health Survey Data to monitor and evaluate nutrition programs (March 9, 2015)
- Planning and tracking multisectoral investments for improved nutrition
- Best practices on how to collect USAID’s new Feed the Future indicators on nutrient-rich value chain commodities
- Country case studies and experiences in strengthening the collection and use of data