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Community Video (Niger): Aider les femmes à augmenter leur revenu et lutter contre la malnutrition avec du niébé de qualité - Help Women Increase Their Income and Fight Malnutrition with Quality Beans

The video is shot in the village of Zagawa Haoussa, in the Zinder region, and talks about ways to preserve cowpeas in order to fight against malnutrition and increase women’s economic power. Mr. Nazifi is off to buy fish at the market, and runs into his friend, Mouddaha, who educates him on using PICS bags to preserve cowpeas. Then, they leave the PICS bags stand behind, and Mouddaha asks Nazifi to meet him later to show him the process of filling up the bags. Meanwhile, Aicha introduces her friend to the cowpea vendor so that she may buy some cowpeas on credit. Then, the video shows the process of filling PICS bags, and the profit Aicha made thanks to the processing of quality cowpeas.