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Resource Review

The Resource Review is a selection of materials that will help you keep on top of research and developments from across SPRING’s technical areas. This page contains current and archived materials from each of the three resource reviews.

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New York Times, February 2014.

Secure Nutrition Platform, March 2014.

Agbelemoge, A. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. (2014). Vol. 14. No 1. pp. 8517-8528.

Malapit, H., Kadiyala, S., Quisumbing, A.R., Cunningham, K., Tyagi, P. (2013). IFPRI Discussion Paper 01313.

Ampek, G. T., Namutebi, F. Turyashemererwa,  F. Muyonga, J. (2013) Food and Nutrition Sciences. Vol. 4. Pages 430-435.

Hawkes, C., Ruel, Marie T. 2020 Focus, (May 2006) Vol. 13, No. 4

Sobal, J., Khan, Laura K., Bisogni, C. Social Science and Medicine, (1998) Vol. 47, No. 7, pp. 853-863

USAID Learning Lab – Jessica L. Ziegler, February 10

Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition

Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH)

New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)

Turner, R., Hawkes, C., Waage, J., et al., Food & Nutrition Bulletin, December 2013 Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 369-377(9)

Rawlins, R., Pimkina, S. Barrett, et al. Food Policy (February 2014), Vol. 22, pp 202-213.

Kyamuhangire, W., Lubowa, A., Kaaya, A. et al. Food Nutrition Bulletin (January 2014) Vol. 34, pp.131 – 141.

The Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services (MEAS)

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Nutrition

The Center for International Forestry Research