Anemia has substantial negative effects on the health and economic wellbeing of nations and communities. Children with anemia experience irrevocable cognitive and developmental delays and exhibit decreased worker productivity as adults.1 Globally, maternal anemia increases the risk of pre-term delivery and low birth weight, and iron-deficiency anemia underlies 115,000 maternal deaths and 591,000 perinatal deaths each year.2
Hint: click on the icon next to each chart to download it for use on your own report or paper.
Anemia Prevalence
Status of Policies or Strategies to Support Reductions in Anemia*
IFA for women of reproductive age
IFA for adolescent girls
Micronutrient powders for children
Indoor residual spraying
National policy on sanitation
N/A IPTp for pregnant women1
Malaria diagnosis and treatment
Deworming for children
Deworming for pregnant women
Iron and/or folic acid fortification legislation
Dietary diversity for complementary feeding
policy pending
missing documentation
*Information from the Global database on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA) ( and country strategies. The status of policies and strategies have been identified to the best of our knowledge. Revisions and updates are welcome. Evidence-informed WHO guidance can be found here:
In pregnancy, infections are a key cause of anemia and can be prevented by sleeping under a bednet and taking intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) for malaria and deworming pills. Anemia can also be prevented by taking iron folic acid (IFA) supplements.
Infants and Young Children
For infants and young children, delayed cord clamping, sleeping under a bednet, and exclusive breastfeeding reduce the risk of becoming anemic.
For young children, continued breastfeeding and adequate complementary feeding (including micronutrients), preventing and treating malaria, and taking deworming pills can prevent anemia and promote healthy growth.
Women and Adolescent Girls
For women and adolescent girls, IFA supplements and deworming help prevent anemia. Family planning delays the age at first birth.
In households, improving basic hygiene and sanitation practices reduces the risk of infection and can help prevent anemia.