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FAO and UNEP are jointly developing a programme on sustainable food systems under the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP).
This two-day event allowed sharing around principles, design and practices for building resilience in smallholder farming systems with a focus on farm system design and agroecological methods.
In February 2015, 40 agriculture and nutrition scientists from public sector, governmental, and private sector organizations explored new metrics for identifying sustainable nutrition security.
SPRING focuses on improving nutrition and preventable child and maternal deaths through the four core focus areas below. In addition, SPRING’s country programs draw on our global expertise to tailor interventions to individual country need.
The Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) of the CGIAR based on the ISPC/A4NH (Agriculture for Nutrition and Health) held a 2-day meeting in September 2014 focused on the challenge of identifying how agricultural research can contribute to improved human nutrition.
In 2014, the World Bank’s SecureNutrition Platform, in collaboration with the World Bank Library and Archives of Development, led a review to present a summary on how agricultural and food-based approa
In this webinar, Tufts University's Will Masters discussed a typology of interventions and metrics that builds on his work with the Nutrition Innovation Lab, helping to inform the design of future multisector interventions.
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), the world’s largest public funder of international environmental projects, is supporting the Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use for Improved Nutrition and Well-Being Initiative led by Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey.
FAO’s Nutrition and Agricultural Economics Divisions commissioned a stocktaking of food and agriculture policy mapping initiatives, with the objectives of understanding what information is available and how that information can be used to inform nutrition agriculture planning.
The Chicago Council has launched a new project, "Global Food Security by the Numbers," to map current U.S .investments and generate discussion about the types of activities and agencies engaged in global food security efforts. The Council expects to release the findings in summer 2015.
This article profiles an FAO-led project designed to improve food security and nutritional status and decrease aid dependency in households in mid-western Nepal.
Patrick Webb provides rationale and resources to better understand why new global nutrition targets must represent the core nutrition metrics for the sustainable Development Goals.
A technical note and policy brief describe nutrition targets and indicators in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Garden kits that pay specific attention to small-scale irrigation might hold the key to stronger food security for smallholder farmers.
This paper aims to connect the dots and review the literature available on the linkages between irrigation and food security, improved nutrition, and health. Based on the limited evidence available, six factors that should be taken into account are identified.
This paper introduces an applied framework, named the Kaleidoscope Model, to analyze drivers of change in the food security arena, with a specific emphasis on agriculture and nutrition policies.
IFPRI’s flagship annual report includes topics on the importance of WASH and nutrition, food safety, and policies influencing sustainable aquaculture.
The international community increasingly recognizes the role that agro-biodiversity and Wild Edible Plants (WEPs) play in their contributions to managing risk and building resilience and sustainable food systems. Studies on real contributions of WEPs to peoples’ diets, however, are uncommon.
Food security and dietary quality are broadly supported development goals, yet few studies have addressed how agricultural subsidy policies and promotion of modern crop varieties impact smallholder farm production and household diversity.
"Addressing anemia often requires an integrated approach to effectively combat it," remarked Dr. Acheng Jane Ruth, the Director General of Health Services during her opening remarks at the Multisectoral Anemia Stakeholders' Meeting in Kampala.