Food Security and Nutrition in the Context of the Global Nutrition Transition
Food and Agriculture Organization (July 2014)
Food and Agriculture Organization (July 2014)
USAID (May 2014)
SPRING and its partners catalyze national-level dialogue around nutrition. Specifically, SPRING supports the secretariat of the Government-led IYCF technical working group, where the project is recognized as a great contributor with in-depth, technical nutrition knowledge. In addition, SPRING participates in other national nutrition coordination and technical fora, including the Civil Society for Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN), National Nutrition Partners Meeting, and Nutrition Society of Nigeria.
Authors: Pomeroy A; D’Agostino A
Background and objectives: Country and regional profiles have been established to provide an overview of the relationship between early life nutrition status and later life nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (N-RNCDs) in two regions (Africa and Asia) and ten countries. This poster focuses on the African region as well as Ethiopia and Zambia.
Authors: Tharaney M; Anson M; Lamstein S; Kappos K; Narayan A; Williams,T; Guyon, A
Authors: Lamstein S; Colaiezzi B; Koniz-Booher P; Beall K; Anson M; Williams T
Background and objectives: Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) is fundamental for addressing both stunting and anemia globally. There is growing demand for evidence-based programming and rigorous scientific justification for donor investments. In response, the USAID-funded SPRING Project sought to consolidate evidence on SBCC with regard to maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) practices.