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Strengthening Systems for Nutrition


Photo-to-Illustration Guide


 a collage of nine illustrations of mothers with their children or by themselves.

The Importance of High-Quality Visual Images

High-quality images have become an essential component of social and behavior change. They are especially critical in the print materials we develop for use in low-literacy or multi-language settings where written words are often barriers to communication.

Photos: SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic Celebrates BFHI Certification for Six Facilities in Jalalabad and Naryn Oblasts

USAID, Ministry of Health, and oblast government representatives attended the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) award ceremony for three facilities in Jalalabad on January 31, 2018. On the same day, MOH and oblast administration officials in Naryn awarded BFHI certificates to three facilities.

View the News Story here.

Nigeria C-IYCF Evaluation: Insights into Optimal Breastfeeding Practices in Nigeria

In 2014, the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the SPRING project embarked on a two-year evaluation of the Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (C-IYCF) Counselling Package when adapted for the local context and implemented at scale in one local government area (LGA) in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The baseline evaluation was completed in 2015.

Finding a Shared Purpose: Strengthening Coordination and Collaboration for Improved Nutrition in Rwanda

SPRING worked with USAID | Rwanda to develop collaboration goals among CHAIN partners and prepared an analysis of the 11 partners’ existing work and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plans. SPRING worked with the partners to map each of their interventions to the CHAIN Results Framework, complementing an existing map to help partners visualize opportunities for collaboration.

How to Strengthen Program Implementation at Scale: Evidence from Nigeria Program Implementation

In 2014, the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project embarked on a two-year evaluation of the Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (C-IYCF) Counselling Package when adapted for the local context and implemented at scale in one local government area (LGA) in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Supportive Supervision Brings Better Health Services to the Kyrgyz Republic

In 2015, the USAID-funded SPRING project began working with the MOH to improve infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and anemia counseling for patients in health facilities in Naryn and Jalal-Abad oblasts. To ensure the quality of these sessions, SPRING developed checklists and guidelines for line supervisors to assess health workers’ on-the-job performance following clinical trainings. These new tools were designed to provide ongoing support for skill retention and quality of services.