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Farmer nutrition school

Community Video (Niger): Participation aux Champs Ecoles Paysans de Niebe Pour un Meilleur Avenir

Following erratic rains, the village chief of Droum, in the commune of Miriah, talks to a group of men and women to find solutions to harvest shortages. The group calls on an agriculture officer. He suggests setting up a farmer field school to teach them new and adapted strategies. After beneficial rainfall, the agriculture officer shows the group new, efficient techniques via the farmer field school. The end of the video shows the difference between the new cowpea field and a traditional one.

Distributing Nut Shellers to Reduce Women’s Labor in Northern Ghana

Groundnuts are a commonly grown crop in Northern Ghana and are regularly consumed in the local diet. Their high-protein content makes them a good part of a diverse diet. SPRING is working with groundnut farmers to help them grow, harvest, and store groundnuts primarily for household consumption. Food grown for household consumption is frequently grown by women.