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Annex: SPRING Pathways to Better Nutrition Qualitative Methods - Uganda

SPRING has adapted guidance from several sources to develop a methodology for extracting nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive funding data from donor and government budget documents. This document is an annex to the Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) Case Study Series that outlines SPRING’s methodology and includes limitations of the data presented, as well as references for further information.

Moving the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Agenda Forward in West Africa

SPRING, USAID's Bureau for Food Security, and Bureau for Global Health hosted the Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning & Evidence Exchange (MSN-GLEE), West Africa from January 19 to 21, 2016, in Accra, Ghana. Staff from the USAID Bureau for Food Security, Bureau for Global Health, USAID Missions in West Africa, implementing partners, host country governments, and other experts will share their experiences and research, enabling widespread engagement across the countries and improving understanding of emerging concepts.