How can we use our work to help implementers and local partners become more effective change agents in our nutrition-sensitive agriculture programming? On November 1, SPRING explored this question and shared our work with others in the development community by discussing our newest online training, the Accelerating Behavior Change for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture (The ABC Training). The meeting included 20 key stakeholders in the agriculture, nutrition, gender, and social and behavior change community and included representatives of organizations including GAIN, ACDI/VOCA, The Manoff Group, Save the Children, Cultural Practice, HarvestPlus, CRS, HKI, JSI, and IFPRI.
Ashley Aakesson and Alyssa Klein led the meeting, held at JSI, beginning with a presentation on the journey to creating the guide, followed by an introduction to the training itself. Participants worked in small groups to plan interventions based on case study examples using elements of the training, followed by an engaging feedback discussion about how the case study exercise can be refined and used along with the online training.
The meeting concluded with a discussion of how the ABC Training works with the growing set of resources that stakeholders are using to design and implement nutrition-sensitive agriculture programs. Participants brainstormed ways to continue this collaborative conversation, and left with an offline flash drive version of the ABC training, new contacts, and a sense of shared purpose to keep moving our field forward.