When caregivers add micronutrient powders (MNPs) to young children’s food, they are helping to reduce malnutrition and anemia in their communities. Adding MNPs at meal time is called point-of-use or home-based food fortification, and the Ugandan Ministry of Health adopted this strategy in their recently-launched Vitamin and Mineral Powder Program.
To support this program, SPRING/Uganda produced a range of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) materials to encourage caregivers of children aged 6-23 months to practice point-of-use food fortification and other healthy behaviors; including exclusive and continued breastfeeding.
These materials include radio public service announcements (PSAs), drama skits, reminder charts, and posters. Using realistic situations, the radio PSAs and drama skits describe why MNPs benefit children’s health, ease fears around adding something new to children’s food, and build caregivers’ confidence that they can use the MNPs correctly. These materials present caregivers who incorporate MNPs into their children’s diets as responsible and caring.
The minute-long PSAs are recorded in English and Lusoga and will be aired 3 - 4 times per day over a duration of 8 months.