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Pathways to Better Nutrition: Global Recommendations

SPRING presented final PBN cross-study recommendations on July 28th, 2016. This event featured global experts on nutrition financing and governance.
SPRING presented final PBN cross-study recommendations on July 28th, 2016.

SPRING’s Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Studies provide new evidence to help countries understand how nutrition-related activities are prioritized and funded, focusing on the effect that national nutrition action plans have on these processes. The studies, which were conducted in Uganda and Nepal, resulted in country-specific recommendations as well as the following ten cross-study recommendations.

Download Pathways to Better Nutrition: Final Global Findings (PDF, 1.7 MB) for a presentation of these findings given by Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, the lead researcher for the studies, during a dissemination event featuring global experts on nutrition financing and governance. To view a recording of this presentation and other presentations, visit the Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Studies Dissemination Event page.


1. Take Long View of Scale Up

2. Reach the Lowest Level

3. Build Sustainable Structures

4. Add Human Resources for Nutrition

5. Launch M&E Frameworks

6. Align with NNAP

7. Embed Nutrition in Sector & Organizational Plans

8. Use Budgets as Planning Tools

9. Invest in Key Drivers of Change

10. Consider Formal Funding Mechanisms for Nutrition

SPRING has and will continue to prepare guidance documents and tools for putting these recommendations into practice. Please see, for example, the Nutrition Workforce Mapping Toolkit, User’s Guide to the Nutrition Budget Analysis Tool, and Nutrition Scale-up: Learning from Experience Discussion Paper.