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Resource Review

The Resource Review is a selection of materials that will help you keep on top of research and developments from across SPRING’s technical areas. This page contains current and archived materials from each of the three resource reviews.

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Geoff Tansey, November 2014

Hawkes, C., J. Jewell, and K. Allen. "A Food Policy Package for Healthy Diets and the Prevention of Obesity and Diet-related Non-communicable Diseases: The NOURISHING Framework." Obesity Reviews 14, no. S2 (2013): 159-68.

Sobal, Jeffery, Laura Kettel Khan, and Carole Bisogni. "A Conceptual Model of the Food and Nutrition System." Social Science & Medicine 47, no. 7 (1998): 853-63.

Solar, O., and A. Irwin. "A Conceptual Framework for Action on the Social Determinants of Health." Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper 2 (Policy and Practice), 2010.

Field, John Osgood. "Multi-sectoral Nutrition Planning: A Post-mortem." Food Policy 12, no. 1 (1987): 15-28.

Berg, Alan. "Rejoinder: nutrition planning is alive and well, thank you." Food Policy 12, no. 4 (1987): 365-375.

Berman, Peter, and Ricardo Bitran. "Health Systems Analysis for Better Health System Strengthening." The World Bank, 2011

Butland, Bryony, Susan Jebb, Peter Kopelman, Klim McPherson, Sandy Thomas, Jane Mardell, and Vivienne Parry. "Tackling Obesities: Future Choices- Project Report. 2nd Edition." Government Office for Science, 2007.

FAO. "The State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition." Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2013. 

Foresight. “The Future of Food and Farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability.” Executive Summary. The Government Office for Science, 2011.

James Garrett and Marcella Natalicchio. Working Multisectorally in Nutrition. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2011.

Martorell R., Khan L.K., Schroeder D.G. "Reversibility of Stunting: Epidemiological Findings in Children from Developing Countries." European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1994), Vol 48 Supp.

Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition, October 2014

HarvestPlus, October 2014

IFPRI, October 2014

Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, October 2014

Clasen, T., Boisson, S., Routray, P., Torondel, B.,Bell, M., et al. The Lancet Global Health  (November 2014) Vol. 2  No. 11 pp. e645-e653m.

Gannon, B., Kaliwile, C., Arscott, S.A., Schmaelzle, S. Chileshe, J., et al. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (October 2014), e-pub ahead of print.

Popkin, B. Food Policy. (August 2014) Vol. 49 No. 1, pp. 91-96.

HarvestPlus, September 2014

Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition, September 2014

Michon, G., Mary, F., Bompard, J. Agroforestry Systems. (1986) pp. 315-338 

PMNCH, WHO, World Bank, and AHPSR. (2014). Success Factors for Women’s and Children’s Health: Policy and programme highlights from 10 fast-track countries. Geneva: WHO.

Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization

African Union Commission, NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency, UN Economic Commission for Africa, and UN World Food Programme. The Cost of Hunger in Africa: Social and Economic Impact of Child Undernutrition in Egypt, Ethiopia, Swaziland and Uganda. Report. Addis Ababa: UNECA, 2014.

"Integrated Anemia Prevention and Control Toolkit | K4Health." Toolkits by K4Health. September 23, 2014.

"WHO Global Database on Anaemia." WHO. January 1, 2014.