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Strengthening Systems for Nutrition


National and Sub-National Estimates of Child and Adult Nutritional Status Related to Later Life Nutrition-Related Non-Communicable Disease

Authors:  Pomeroy A; D’Agostino A

Background and objectives: Country and regional profiles have been established to provide an overview of the relationship between early life nutrition status and later life nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (N-RNCDs) in two regions (Africa and Asia) and ten countries. This poster focuses on the African region as well as Ethiopia and Zambia.

SPRING Seminar: Implementing Nutrition across Multiple Channels

SPRING/Bangladesh recently organized a high-profile seminar highlighting its approach to mainstreaming nutrition and hygiene across agriculture and health partners. The seminar had over 90 technical and strategic leads from nutrition, agriculture, and health projects, as well as health and agriculture workers from within the Government of Bangladesh and households participating in SPRING's home gardening intervention.