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Phnom Penh
POINT (104.92 11.55)
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POLYGON ((103.49727990114 10.632555446816, 103.09068973187 11.153660590047, 102.58493248903 12.186594956913, 102.34809939983 13.394247341358, 102.98842207236 14.225721136934, 104.28141808474 14.416743068901, 105.21877689008 14.273211778211, 106.04394616092 13.88109100998, 106.49637332563 14.570583807834, 107.3827274923 14.202440904187, 107.61454796756 13.535530707244, 107.49140302941 12.337205918828, 105.81052371625 11.567614650921, 106.24967003787 10.961811835164, 105.19991499229 10.889309800658, 104.3343347514 10.486543687375, 103.49727990114 10.632555446816))

Minimum Package of Activities - Nutrition Module

The Minimum Package of Activities (MPA) is a tool that aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of health center staff in Cambodia in regards to nutrition to improve the health of mothers and young children. The revised MPA Module 10, from 2009, focuses on the six contacts health center staff have with pregnant women and mothers with young children. The training module includes a facilitators’ manual, participants’ manual job aids, power point presentations with facilitator notes, and a checklist for counseling and communication.

National Nutrition Program: Village Volunteer Nutrition Job Aid How to Help Mothers and Young Children Stay Healthy

This job aid, developed for village volunteers, includes information on a variety of nutrition practices for mothers and young children. It provides messaging about the importance of antenatal care, proper nutrition during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, post-partum care and newborn contact, and young child health and nutrition. The job aid includes a number of useful visual aids to inform mothers and children.

National Nutrition Program: Village Volunteer Micro-nutrient Module

This job aid, developed for village volunteers, includes information on a variety of nutrition practices for mothers and young children. It provides messaging about the importance of antenatal care, proper nutrition during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, post-partum care and newborn contact, and young child health and nutrition. The job aid includes a number of useful visual aids to inform mothers and children. 

National Communication Strategy for the Promotion of Vitamin A in Cambodia, October 2008 – November 2010

Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem among women and children in Cambodia. The 2005 Cambodia Demographic Health Survey reported that only 35% of children aged 6-59 months received vitamin A in the past six months and 27% of women received vitamin A post-partum. This communication strategy for promotion of Vitamin A in Cambodia was developed by the Cambodian Nutrition Working Group.

Micronutrient Deficiencies and Interventions in Cambodia: Information for Improved Programming

Despite a growing economy and improvement in living conditions, Cambodia has a higher maternal mortality rate and an equal rate of child under-five mortality compared to Bangladesh. In fact, Cambodian conditions of anemia and micronutrient malnutrition are among the worst in Southeast Asia. This report documents what the available data sources reveal about the conditions of anemia and micronutrient deficiencies, their prevention and treatment in Cambodia.