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Thousand days

Contributing to a National Advocacy and Communication Strategy in Uganda

In Uganda, we worked with the Ugandan government, UN agencies, and USAID implementing partners to develop the National Advocacy and Communication Strategy in support of the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan, under the auspices of the UNAP Secretariat in the Office of the Prime Minister. Because this is a national strategy, different partners have taken responsibility for implementing different parts of the strategy based on their relative capacities.

Nutrition and Development of Children Under Two Years of Age | Эки жашка толо элек наристелердин тамактануусу жана жетилиши

Mother feeding her child

SPRING developed and produced a Kyrgyz-language booklet for mothers entitled “Nutrition & Development of Children Under Two Years of Age,” in coordination with the government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The booklet is 12 pages and describes, in simple terms, appropriate nutritional practices for children of different ages (i.e.

Prospera/EsIAN: The National Integrated Nutritional Strategy: A Systems Thinking Approach in Mexico

Prospera, formerly known as Progresa or Oportunidades, is a national conditional cash transfer program. EsIAN is a pilot program within Prospera that aims to strengthen Prospera’s health and nutrition component by addressing the nutritional transition in Mexico and improving the health and nutrition of beneficiaries, with a focus on the first 1,000 days.

Care Group: Reducing Malnutrition and Child Deaths in Mozambique

Between 2005 and 2010, Food for the Hungry (FH) applied the Care Group (CG) model in Sofala, Mozambique, with the aim of reaching more than 1 million pregnant women and women with children 0–23 months to decrease malnutrition in children in this age group. The program focused on nine key behaviors in the areas of maternal and child health, nutrition, WASH, and preventive care.

Contributing to National-Level Nutrition Coordination and Policy Efforts

SPRING and its partners catalyze national-level dialogue around nutrition. Specifically, SPRING supports the secretariat of the Government-led IYCF technical working group, where the project is recognized as a great contributor with in-depth, technical nutrition knowledge. In addition, SPRING participates in other national nutrition coordination and technical fora, including the Civil Society for Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN), National Nutrition Partners Meeting, and Nutrition Society of Nigeria.