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Community Video (Niger): How to Prevent and Treat All Diarrhea in Children

The community health worker, Koni, is making house visits and finds a young child with diarrhea. The child’s mother, Larai, believes it is because the child is teething and does not take action. Koni instructs Larai on proper care for a child with diarrhea, and discusses the importance of separating domestic animals to prevent illness and diarrhea. They wash their hands, prepare oral rehydration salt (ORS), and give it to the child. Then, the child is brought to the health center. In another home, Koni finds a healthy six month old child.

Speaking Up for Better Nutrition

SPRING has been supporting Durgapur’s FNS since 2012 to improve nutrition and hygiene for pregnant and lactating women and women with children under two through improved access to a more nutritious and more diverse diet. Durgapur’s FNS graduates have motivated the community, bringing nutrition, handwashing, and hygiene to the attention of everyone around them.