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POINT (85.32 27.72)
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POLYGON ((88.12044070837 27.87654165294, 88.043132765661 27.445818589787, 88.174804315141 26.810405178326, 88.06023766475 26.414615383402, 87.227471958366 26.397898057556, 86.024392938179 26.630984605409, 85.251778598983 26.726198431906, 84.675017938174 27.234901231388, 83.3042488952 27.364505723576, 81.999987420585 27.92547923432, 81.057202589852 28.416095282499, 80.088424513676 28.79447011974, 80.476721225917 29.729865220655, 81.111256138029 30.183480943313, 81.525804477875 30.422716986609, 82.327512648451 30.115268052688, 83.337115106137 29.463731594352, 83.898992954447 29.320226141878, 84.23457970575 28.839893703725, 85.011638218123 28.642773952747, 85.823319940132 28.203575954699, 86.954517043001 27.974261786404, 88.12044070837 27.87654165294))

Recommendations for Multi-Sector Nutrition Planning: Cross-Context Lessons from Nepal and Uganda

Pomeroy-Stevens, Amanda, Heather Viland, and Sascha Lamstein. "Recommendations for Multi-Sector Nutrition Planning: Cross-Context Lessons from Nepal and Uganda." Field Exchange, no. 54 (February 2017): 90-94. March 2017. Accessed August 21, 2017.

SPRING Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) case studies documented successes and challenges in implementing NNAPs in Nepal and Uganda at national and sub-national level. A longitudinal, mixed-methods approach was applied across multiple levels of governance, gathering qualitative and budgetary data over two years.

Community Health Worker Nutrition Advocacy Tool

Community health workers (CHW) play a critical role in delivering evidence-based, cost-effective interventions that can improve nutrition outcomes. Information on the services that CHW provide is necessary to advocate for change in training, management, and supervision systems related to the delivery of nutrition services by CHWs but the diversity and magnitude of community health programs in a given country can make it hard to find.