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SPRING/Ghana Presents WASH 1,000 at the 39th Annual Water Engineering and Development Centre Conference

In July, the annual Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) conference, “Ensuring Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All,” was held in Kumasi, Ghana. SPRING/Ghana took advantage of this in country opportunity to host a side table event to present on its nutrition sensitive WASH activities in the Northern and Upper East Regions. SPRING/Ghana WASH Advisor, David Nunoo, and SPRING/DC WASH Technical Advisor Steve Sara presented on the WASH 1,000 approach.

Multi-Sectoral Coordination and Collaboration of the Feed the Future Portfolio

Looking only at the portfolio of Feed the Future activities funded by USAID Bangladesh, SPRING worked with the USAID Bangladesh Mission and its Feed the Future partners to identify ways of strengthening their vision, plans, and approaches for coordination and collaboration of technical sectors, implementing partners, and other stakeholders around nutrition.

Improving Nutrition Outcomes through the Western Highlands Integrated Program (WHIP)

In 2013, The Lancet released a series of papers that reviewed progress toward improving nutrition around the globe. In this series, the authors argued that to achieve global targets to reduce undernutrition, a multi-sectoral approach is required—scaling up proven nutrition-specific interventions, as well as strengthening nutrition-sensitive interventions, including agriculture. A need for cross-sector collaboration was further outlined in the document, USAID 2014-2015 Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, which states, “Multi-sectoral coordination along with collaborative planning and programming across sectors at national, regional, and local levels are necessary to accelerate and sustain nutrition improvements” (USAID 2014).

Coordinating Nutrition Action in Asia

Experts from across several sectors are meeting this week in Bangkok at the Asia regional Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning & Evidence Exchange (MSN-GLEE) hosted by SPRING in partnership with USAID. This diverse group of USAID Mission staff, implementing partners, and academics will discuss multi-sectoral approaches to address malnutrition and plan for global action. The attendees represent programs in social and behavior change communications (SBCC), humanitarian response, agriculture, women’s empowerment, health, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).

SPRING Conducts Training on Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in Guinea

SPRING’s Food Security and Nutrition Director, Heather Danton, and SBCC Advisor, Phil Moses, traveled to Guinea in April to facilitate a week-long participatory workshop with partners from Winrock, Institut Superieur Agronomique et Vétérinaire (ISAV), and local NGOs. The workshop aimed to inform SPRING partners’ behavior change and agricultural extension work related to nutrition-sensitive agriculture. The workshop covered the agriculture-to-nutrition pathways and principles and other key concepts, such as criteria for selecting crops that address nutrient gaps in local diets.