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Social and behavior change communication

Digital Green: Amplifying Impact of Innovative Agricultural Practices in India

Poor farmers in low and middle income countries are often risk-averse and reluctant to adopt new methods of farming, since crop failure could potentially lead to extreme hardship. Digital Green works with local farmers to create community-led videos disseminated through local social networks to encourage farmers to adopt new practices to improve their livelihoods.

Care Group: Reducing Malnutrition and Child Deaths in Mozambique

Between 2005 and 2010, Food for the Hungry (FH) applied the Care Group (CG) model in Sofala, Mozambique, with the aim of reaching more than 1 million pregnant women and women with children 0–23 months to decrease malnutrition in children in this age group. The program focused on nine key behaviors in the areas of maternal and child health, nutrition, WASH, and preventive care.

Alive and Thrive: Scaling Up Infant and Young Child Feeding Programs in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Vietnam

A&T implements multi-component programs that make strategic use of data to plan, assess, and evaluate program impact to improve child feeding practices. The aim is to disseminate the models and the learnings widely, encouraging adaptation or replication of at-scale implementation in other settings.

Building Capacity for Change: Community Workers Making a Difference in Nigerian Communities

Priscilla received a five-day training on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, intended to create a cadre of coaches at the local government area level. The community-based IYCF (C-IYCF) training is aimed at empowering individuals to provide caregivers with the relevant information and support to achieve optimal nutrition for their children.

Support Groups Making a Difference in Women's Lives: Baby Aisha’s Story

As part of SPRING’s work in Nigeria, the project aims to reduce maternal and child undernutrition and improve HIV-free survival of infants and young children. In particular, SPRING/Nigeria is contributing to improved nutrition care practices and access to quality services through the roll out of the Nigeria Community and Facility IYCF Packages.