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Water, sanitation, and hygiene

Clean Latrines and Handwashing

Poster image

These handwashing and clean toilets leaflets were designed by SPRING in coordination with the Republican Health Promotion Center under the Kyrgyz Republic's Ministry of Healthcare.

The double-sided leaflet in Kyrgyz illustrates the five critical times of handwashing – before cooking, before feeding a baby, after visiting bathroom, after contact with domestic animal, and after changing a baby's diaper.

SPRING/Digital Green Collaboration Progress Report

 Peggy Koniz-Booher, SPRING
Filming the community video “A Good Start to Exclusive Breastfeeding” in the village of Halbawa Salifou in Guidan Roumdji, Maradi, Niger Photo credit: Peggy Koniz-Booher, SPRING

SPRING is a USAID-funded five-year project committed to reducing anemia and stunting among women and young children through the expansion of effective social and behavior change communication (SBCC) nutrit

Seeing is Believing

Photo of several children waiting along a road.

Located in the Sahel, Niger is characterized by harsh climate conditions that contribute to structural food crises and high rates of severe acute malnutrition among children. The people of Niger have experienced frequent shocks, such as conflict, drought, and food shortages, which will likely worsen as a result of climate change and expanding population.

Addressing the Nutrition and Hygiene Needs of Adolescents and Children in Nigeria

An artistic depiction of children at play.
Adolescent girls aged 12-17 review illustrations conveying information on dietary diversity during concept testing for nutrition and hygiene activities included in a training package geared towards OVCs.

Since 2012, SPRING/Nigeria has worked with 5 PEPFAR implementing partners (STEER, SMILE, ARFH, HIFAS, and WEWE) and civil society organizations (CSO) to roll out th