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Ag2Nut Call: Key Points from the FAO/WHO Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition

In the Ag2Nut Community of practice, members discuss capacity building and training in agriculture-nutrition linkages. The February 2017 Community Call focused on the recent WHO/FAO International Symposium. One unique feature of this past Symposium was its student session, which allowed students from 8 universities in different regions of the world to learn from current policy discussions and to convey their views.

Recognizing the Complexity of Anaemia in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the National Micronutrient Survey and Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011 have reported relatively high rates of anaemia among several demographic groups. Yet, the surveys also showed that only a third of the anaemia could be associated with iron deficiency.  These lower levels of iron deficiency could be due to several other factors, such as iron in groundwater, genetic red blood cell disorders, and other micronutrient deficiencies.

Ag2Nut Call: Making Value Chains Work for Food and Nutrition Security

In the November 2016 Ag2Nut Call, Matthias Jäger, Markets and Value Chain Expert, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) / CGIAR, presented findings from a pilot project in Kenya and Uganda, aimed at improving the diets of vulnerable rural and urban consumers through increased consumption of more affordable, diverse, safe, and nutrient-dense processed bean-based food products, sourced from local farmer organizations and delivered by small and medium ent