Translating Evidence into Policy

Getting nutrition commitments cemented into other sectors' plans and strategies at global, national and program levels will demand lengthy and sensitive negotiation, backed up wi
Getting nutrition commitments cemented into other sectors' plans and strategies at global, national and program levels will demand lengthy and sensitive negotiation, backed up wi
The SPRING project began work in Ghana in 2014 in response to a request from USAID/Ghana for support to reduce stunting in the Feed the Future zone of influence in the Northern and Upper East Regions of the country.
We wrote this brief, which explores SPRING’s work in Ghana, to determine how well our systems framework maps to “real world” nutrition programs.
Since 2014, USAID’s flagship multi-sectoral nutrition project, SPRING, has worked in 15 districts in the Upper East and Northern Regions of Ghana, which are part of the Feed the Future zone of influence (figure 1).
Since 2012, SPRING has explored and evaluated the role and effectiveness of storytelling in nutrition social and behavior change communication (SBCC), with a focus on community media, defined as technology-enabled media developed in the community, about the community, and with the community.
In Ghana, SPRING has been working in Northern and Upper East Regions where rates of child undernutrition are among the highest in the country.