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Food systems

Strengthening the Links between Nutrition and Health Outcomes and Agricultural Research

Herforth, Anna, Preetmoninder Lidder, and Margaret Gill. "Strengthening the Links between Nutrition and Health Outcomes and Agricultural Research." Food Security 7, no. 3 (2015): 453-607. Accessed July 10, 2015. doi:10.1007/s12571-015-0451-z.

For this study, SPRING examined the relationship between the food environment and nutrition. The food environment encompasses availability, affordability, convenience, and desirability of various foods. The effect of income on dietary consumption is always modified by the food environment. Many agricultural interventions aim to improve incomes, increase food availability, and reduce food prices.

Leveraging Agriculture for Nutritional Impact through the Feed the Future Initiative

Lidan Du, Victor Pinga, Alyssa Klein, Heather Danton, Chapter One - Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition Impact through the Feed the Future Initiative, In: Jeyakumar Henry, Editor(s), Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Academic Press, 2015, Volume 74, Pages 1-46, ISSN 1043-4526, ISBN 9780128022269,

In this chapter in Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, SPRING reviews the nutrition narrative in relation to food and nutrition and presents the current understanding of linkages between agriculture and nutrition and the Feed the Future initiative's efforts to strengthen the nutritional impact of agricultural and economic growth activities.