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Lifesaving Links in Nigeria

At birth, Nyepesi lost her mother to HIV. She was left in the care of her grandmother, Maza Akaba, who lives in Ichecheni community, 10 kilometers from Nyepesi’s home in Lafia, Nigeria. No one in the community would assist Maza with baby Nyepesi’s care because of the stigma associated with her mother’s HIV-positive status. Help came Maza’s way on a market day when she met a community volunteer trained by SPRING. The volunteer invited Maza to an infant and young child feeding (IYCF) support group where she received information about local health services. This small interaction began two-week-old Nyepesi’s journey to recovery.

Ag2Nut Community Call: Farm-level Pathways to Improved Nutritional Status: New Empirical Evidence from Africa and South Asia

In the December 2015 Ag2Nut call, the Community of Practice presented a synthesis of a set of eight new studies that empirically test, using data from Africa and South Asia, whether a relationship between household agricultural production, diets and nutrition can be found.