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POINT (85.32 27.72)
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POLYGON ((88.12044070837 27.87654165294, 88.043132765661 27.445818589787, 88.174804315141 26.810405178326, 88.06023766475 26.414615383402, 87.227471958366 26.397898057556, 86.024392938179 26.630984605409, 85.251778598983 26.726198431906, 84.675017938174 27.234901231388, 83.3042488952 27.364505723576, 81.999987420585 27.92547923432, 81.057202589852 28.416095282499, 80.088424513676 28.79447011974, 80.476721225917 29.729865220655, 81.111256138029 30.183480943313, 81.525804477875 30.422716986609, 82.327512648451 30.115268052688, 83.337115106137 29.463731594352, 83.898992954447 29.320226141878, 84.23457970575 28.839893703725, 85.011638218123 28.642773952747, 85.823319940132 28.203575954699, 86.954517043001 27.974261786404, 88.12044070837 27.87654165294))

Global Nutrition Experts Gather to Discuss the Evidence on Effective Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy

Around the world, countries are outlining ambitious new strategies for tackling nutrition through a multi-sectoral approach, yet there has been little evidence that these plans actually translate into better nutrition for women and children. On July 28, 2016, SPRING launched the final reports from the Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Studies. Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens presented the main findings and recommendations from this work.

Pathways to Better Nutrition Country Case Studies Overview

Good governance and policy can create momentum for improved nutrition. But how can countries best move from good nutrition policy to improved nutrition outcomes? SPRING’s Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Studies provide new evidence to help countries understand how nutrition-related activities are prioritized and funded, focusing on the effect that national nutrition action plans have on these processes in two different contexts: Uganda and Nepal.

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Pathways to Better Nutrition: Nepal Case Study

Nepal’s Multi-sector Plan of Action for Nutrition, 2013-2017 (MSNP) provides a unique opportunity to understand how nutrition policy is translated into action. SPRING’s two-year Pathways to Better Nutrition study drew on qualitative and quantitative data to provide a 360-degree view of Nepal’s MSNP process, including the policy, enabling processes and drivers, prioritization, and funding for nutrition described below.

SPRING’s Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Study Findings Presented in Kathmandu

SPRING released findings from the multi-sectoral Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) Case Study during a national event in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 20th, 2016. The National Planning Commission (NPC) chaired the event. There were over 60 participants representing multiple government ministries, donors, UN groups, civil society, academia, and the private sector.