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POINT (32.57 0.32)
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POLYGON ((31.86617 -1.02736, 30.76986 -1.01455, 30.419104852019 -1.1346591121504, 29.821518588996 -1.4433224422298, 29.579466180141 -1.3413131648856, 29.587837762172 -0.58740569417938, 29.8195 -0.2053, 29.875778842902 0.59737986897636, 30.086153598763 1.0623127303064, 30.46850752129 1.5838054467797, 30.852670118948 1.8493964705438, 31.174149204236 2.2044652368213, 30.77332 2.3398900000001, 30.83385 3.50917, 31.24556 3.7819, 31.88145 3.55827, 32.68642 3.79232, 33.39 3.79, 34.005 4.2498849473621, 34.47913 3.5556, 34.59607 3.0537400000001, 35.03599 1.90584, 34.6721 1.17694, 34.18 0.515, 33.893568969667 0.10981353786184, 33.903711197105 -0.95, 31.86617 -1.02736))

SPRING Interviews MNP Users and Distributors to Improve Programming in Uganda

Working with a team of eight trained data collectors, SPRING staff in Uganda conducted a midline assessment through key informant interviews with MNP users and distributors to inform efforts to strengthen micronutrient powder (MNP) distribution. Caretakers of children eligible for MNP use (between 6 and 23 months of age), village health teams (VHT), and facility-based health workers answered questions about the successes they have seen in the program so far, as well as the barriers that need to be addressed.

Global Nutrition Experts Gather to Discuss the Evidence on Effective Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy

Around the world, countries are outlining ambitious new strategies for tackling nutrition through a multi-sectoral approach, yet there has been little evidence that these plans actually translate into better nutrition for women and children. On July 28, 2016, SPRING launched the final reports from the Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Studies. Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens presented the main findings and recommendations from this work.

Pathways to Better Nutrition Country Case Studies Overview

Good governance and policy can create momentum for improved nutrition. But how can countries best move from good nutrition policy to improved nutrition outcomes? SPRING’s Pathways to Better Nutrition Case Studies provide new evidence to help countries understand how nutrition-related activities are prioritized and funded, focusing on the effect that national nutrition action plans have on these processes in two different contexts: Uganda and Nepal.

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