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Infant and young child feeding

Supportive Supervision Brings Better Health Services to the Kyrgyz Republic

In 2015, the USAID-funded SPRING project began working with the MOH to improve infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and anemia counseling for patients in health facilities in Naryn and Jalal-Abad oblasts. To ensure the quality of these sessions, SPRING developed checklists and guidelines for line supervisors to assess health workers’ on-the-job performance following clinical trainings. These new tools were designed to provide ongoing support for skill retention and quality of services.

SPRING Hosts Photo-to-Illustration Workshop in Guinea

The photo-to-illustration (PTI) process allows graphic artists to use photographs from the community as a reference to develop high-quality illustrations which are technically accurate, culturally acceptable, and attractive to audiences. These illustrations can be used to support social and behavior change activities by engaging audiences with appealing and culturally appropriate cues for key behaviors. In Guinea, SPRING facilitated a six-day training on the PTI process for 14 participants.

Facilitator’s Guide for Father-to-Father Support Groups

Photo of a group of fathers working through the support group material.


Undernutrition is a key cause of poor child growth and development, including early cognitive development. Child growth, beginning during the mother’s pregnancy and continuing until the child is 2 years old, sets the stage for later life. Losses in physical and brain development resulting from undernutrition during this period—the first 1,000 days—cannot be corrected later.