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Photos from the Improved Village-level Poultry Rearing Workshop in Senegal

From January 10-11, 2017, SPRING/Senegal organized a two-day workshop on village-level poultry rearing for members of its agricultural partner networks. After the workshop, SPRING distributed chickens to member groups of several partner organizations to give them a chance to put their newly acquired chicken rearing knowledge into practice. On the January 25, a SPRING delegation visited Nioro Alassane Tall Village in the Fatick region to participate in the chicken distribution to the local women’s group.

SPRING Facilitates Collaboration Workshop for CHAIN Partners in Rwanda

In November 2016, SPRING facilitated a two-day workshop to help the Community Health and Improved Nutrition (CHAIN) project partners define collaboration goals and expectations and to develop an integrated workplan. The CHAIN project is a collection of USAID-funded activities that are carried out by local and international organizations that share complementary goals of improving nutrition and health in Rwanda.

Opportunities for Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains in Tonkolili, Sierra Leone


Using value chain mapping and semi-structured interviews with value chain actors, SPRING conducted an adapted value chain analysis of fish and pumpkin to examine constraints and enablers to nutrition-sensitive agriculture.

A multi-sectoral team adapted tools from the USAID Microlinks Value Chain Development Wiki and used the interviews to focus on nutrition-sensitive agriculture opportunities within the two value chains.

SPRING/Bangladesh Celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2016

Celebrated every year on October 15, Global Handwashing Day is dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to improve nutrition, prevent disease, and save lives. SPRING/Bangladesh hosts and participates in Global Handwashing Day every year to rally communities and encourage people to talk about and practice better hand hygiene.