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POLYGON ((31.86617 -1.02736, 30.76986 -1.01455, 30.419104852019 -1.1346591121504, 29.821518588996 -1.4433224422298, 29.579466180141 -1.3413131648856, 29.587837762172 -0.58740569417938, 29.8195 -0.2053, 29.875778842902 0.59737986897636, 30.086153598763 1.0623127303064, 30.46850752129 1.5838054467797, 30.852670118948 1.8493964705438, 31.174149204236 2.2044652368213, 30.77332 2.3398900000001, 30.83385 3.50917, 31.24556 3.7819, 31.88145 3.55827, 32.68642 3.79232, 33.39 3.79, 34.005 4.2498849473621, 34.47913 3.5556, 34.59607 3.0537400000001, 35.03599 1.90584, 34.6721 1.17694, 34.18 0.515, 33.893568969667 0.10981353786184, 33.903711197105 -0.95, 31.86617 -1.02736))

Uganda National Working Group on Food Fortification Receives Ethiopian Delegation

In July, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Uganda and SPRING/Uganda hosted a high-level delegation from Ethiopia to learn more about Uganda’s experience implementing mandatory food fortification. Uganda’s MOH with help from the National Working Group on Food Fortification (NWGFF) invited the Ethiopian delegation, led by the State Minister of Water, H.E. Ato Kabede Gerba, and including Ministry of Health and Education representatives.

From Policy to Practice: Learning from the Multi-sectoral Uganda Nutrition Action Plan Implementation in Kisoro District

Authors: Nancy Adero, Program Officer, Micronutrients and Anemia, SPRING

Co-Authors: Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, Lidan Du, Alexis D’Agostino, Daniel Lukwago, Hannah Foehringer Merchant, Abel Muzoora, Sascha Lamstein, Ezekiel Mupere, Manohar Shenoy, SPRING

Introduction: “National governments must prioritize nutrition and demonstrate their commitment with policies, human and financial resources, and legal frameworks.” —USAID Nutrition Strategy4

Annex: SPRING Pathways to Better Nutrition Budget Methods - Uganda

SPRING has adapted guidance from several sources to develop a methodology for extracting nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive funding data from donor and government budget documents. This document is an annex to the Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) Case Study Series that outlines SPRING’s methodology and includes limitations of the data presented, as well as references for further information.

Nutrition Financing Takes Center Stage at Major International Conferences

SPRING will present its work on nutrition financing at two major international conferences in July 2015. For the last several years, SPRING has worked to develop more accurate estimates of national and sub-national multisectoral nutrition funding commitments in Uganda and Nepal. As part of this work, SPRING developed a novel methodology for evaluating nutrition funding.

Developing a Process Guide and Tool for Nutrition Budget Analysis in Uganda

Financing is a key piece of any effort to improve nutrition at scale. In its recently-released Nutrition Strategy, USAID highlights the importance of financial systems, stating that political will for nutrition must be reflected through financial support, both at the national and sub-national level. A number of very robust costing activities have been completed, or are underway, by MQSUN, UNICEF, the World Bank, and others.