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Liberia continues to face high levels of malnutrition, especially stunting among children under five. Stunting is partly due to the lack of information about growing and consuming nutritious food.
Approaches that improve women’s engagement in livestock value chains and their impact on women’s empowerment and maternal and child nutrition (MCN) can be powerful in improving women’s and children’s nutrition.
How can extension build on its "core competencies" in improving household food security to lay the foundation for better nutrition?
USAID released another technical brief in its series to provide guidance in implementing the Agency’s Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy. This brief presents five key strategies for agriculture activities— primarily designed to increase income— to also enhance their contribution to nutrition.
Crop species richness (CSR) may be important for maintaining the diversity of diets of smallholder farming households. This study defines CSR and determines its association with the diversity and quality of household diets in Malawi, as well as opportunities to bring it to market.
Micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent in crops and people in sub-Saharan Africa. Agronomic biofortification can increase yields and micronutrient contents of these crops, but there is a lack of direct evidence on the effectiveness to improve human health.
From Pilot to Practice: Using community-led video to improve nutrition in the African Sahel
On February 2, 2017, SPRING/Sierra Leone led a nutrition-sensitive agriculture orientation workshop for managerial staff from consortium organizations of the newly awarded Sierra Leone Entrepreneurial Agriculture for Improved
Nathan Park, Deputy Mission Director of USAID/Kyrgyz Republic, visited SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic on February 8, 2017 in Kok-Jangak rayon, Jalalabad oblast. Mr.
SPRING pioneered the community-based farmer nutrition schools (FNS) approach to promote the production of nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits, and animal source foods at the household level in
SPRING/Senegal promotes nutrition-sensitive poultry rearing and egg consumption as part of its strategy to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of
Micronutrient powder (MNP) distribution is a promising intervention for reducing anemia in young children, but successful implementation requires a better understanding of effective programming.
In the Ag2Nut Community of practice, members discuss capacity building and training in agriculture-nutrition linkages. The February 2017 Community Call focused on the recent WHO/FAO International Symposium. One unique feature of this past Symposium was its student session, which allowed…
Aflatoxin exposure, namely through infected groundnuts, is hypothesized to be associated with decreas
To effectively address anemia, countries must develop a context-specific understanding of their anemia situation.
SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic, funded by USAID to address issues of chronic malnutrition and anemia among women and children of Kyrgyz Republic, hosted an event on Friday, February 10, 2017 entitled “Strengthening Linkages between Agriculture and Nutrition.” The event was attended by representatives of
The nexus of agriculture and nutrition programming is increasingly recognized as important for achieving the ambitious goals of the Feed the Future Initiative and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy.
What Are Farmer Nutrition Schools?