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SPRING/Uganda Engages Multi-Sectoral Partners on National Anemia Efforts

SPRING/Uganda conducted key informant interviews with 12 members of Uganda’s National Anemia Working Group (NAWG) on their experiences with cross-sector collaboration and anemia prevention at the national and district levels. The working group members discussed their experiences in developing the National Anemia Prevention and Control Strategy, which prompted discussion on sustaining the working group’s energy after the strategy is finalized.

SPRING and Partners Organize First Ever Parliamentary Forum on Nutrition in Uganda

Office of the Prime Minister, members of the tenth Parliament of Uganda, and partners are organizing an inaugural Parliamentary Forum on Nutrition to educate lawmakers on the state of nutrition in Uganda. USAID implementing partners SPRING, FANTA, Advocacy for Better Health, and Communication for Healthy Communities, along with World Vision Uganda and UNICEF participated in planning for the forum, which will be officially launched in May.

Healthy Nutrition for Mothers to Promote the Growth and Development of Your Baby

SPRING has developed a booklet for mothers about the 1,000 Day Window of Opportunity, from pregnancy up to the child’s second birthday, the period when life-long physical and cognitive stunting can be prevented with appropriate nutrition. The booklet helps mothers understand how crucial this time is for a child’s growth and development.

Reviewing Hemoglobin Thresholds for the Determination of Anaemia

The current cut-offs for the determination of anemia were established in 1968 and have had minimal adjustments since. These thresholds have crucial implications for clinical and public health practice, affecting individual-level treatment protocols and our population prevalence data for local, national and global monitoring of anaemia.  The World Health Organization (WHO) is in the process of reviewing its global guidelines for haemoglobin thresholds used to define anaemia at the individual and population level.