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Policies and Governance for Nutrition

“Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development.”

- former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

Governance refers to the capacity and processes for making and implementing decisions and providing public goods and services, including those relevant to nutrition. Policies are a tool of governance that can impact a country’s progress toward good nutrition. However, responsibility for governing nutrition activities often falls among and across various government ministry lines and often requires multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder platforms.

SPRING’s research and assistance has created practical guidance on how to strengthen nutrition governance and policy while improving transparency and collaboration. Our Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) studies in Nepal and Uganda shed light on the influence, impact, and success of nutrition plans and policies on decision-making processes, funding, and, ultimately, on improving nutrition outcomes. And assessments conducted in Bangladesh, Guatemala, Nepal, and Rwanda provide evidence on how different Feed the Future countries are governing nutrition programs, involving different sectors in both design and implementation.

Building on these findings, we have also developed guidance and tools for strengthening policies and governance for nutrition. Our District Assessment Tool for Anemia (DATA) provides both for determining the main factors that cause anemia, prioritizing interventions, and identifying actions to strengthen anemia-related programming. Meanwhile, in Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uganda, SPRING has helped to develop nutrition-related policies and improved protocols, curricula, supervision guidelines, and monitoring systems to support strong, transparent, and successful nutrition governance.


A group of women attending a handwashing seminar.
March 2017
SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic provided support and technical assistance to the national deworming working group to update the national clinical protocol on deworming and to update strategies and communications materials for future deworming campaigns and he...
PBN Nepal team member Madhukar B. Shrestha presents final district findings in Achham
April 2016
SPRING held three district-level dissemination events in Nepal to present results from the “Pathways to Better Nutrition” (PBN) Case Study, which focused on Nepal’s implementation of a National Nutrition Action Plan: The Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan (...
Madhukar B. Shrestha presents the results of the PBN study in Nepal
May 2016
SPRING released findings from the multi-sectoral Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) Case Study during a national event in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 20th, 2016. The National Planning Commission (NPC) chaired the event. There were over 60 participants ...