The project has closed operations; however, we continue to monitor our email address. For general project queries, please contact us by email at
As new media are added to the site, they will be displayed below.
SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic Project Overview
Нут с мясом - Chickpeas with Meat (Recipe for the Entire Family)
Салат «Морковь по-корейски» и салат из свеклы с грецким орехом - Korean Carrot Salad (Recipe for the Whole Family)
Суп Машкордо - Mashkordo Soup (Recipe for the Entire Family)
Борщ по-украински - Ukrainian Borscht Soup (Recipe for the Entire Family)
Икра из Баклажан - Vegetable Salad with Eggplant (Recipe for the Entire Family)
Винегрет овощной - Vegetable Vinaigrette (Recipe for the Entire Family)
Суп с Фрикадельками - Soup with Meatballs (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)
Котлеты малышам - Cutlets for Babies (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)
Буламык - Bulamyk (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)
Рисовая каша с тыквой - Rice Porridge with Pumpkin (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)
Пюре из Цветной капусты - Cauliflower Puree (Recipe for Children 6-12 Months)
Чечевичный суп с куриным мясом - Lentil Soup with Chicken (Recipe for Children 6-12 Months)
Яблочное пюре, сладкое пюре из груши - Apple and Sweet Pear Puree (Recipe for Children 6-12 Months)
Гречневая каша - Buckwheat Porridge (Recipe for Children 6-12 Months)
Пюре из тыквы - Pumpkin Puree (Recipe for Children 6-12 Months)
Junk Food (Kyrgyz)
Junk Food (Russian)
Clean Latrines (Kyrgyz)
Clean Latrines (Russian)
Community Media for Nutrition Social and Behavior Change: Learning from the SPRING Project
Community Video (Niger): Laissons nos filles devenir des femmes avant de les donner en mariage - Let's let our daughters become women before sending them off for early marriage
Community Video (Niger):Comment rompre le cycle de la malnutrition - How to Break the Cycle of Malnutrition?
Community Video (Niger): Aider les femmes à augmenter leur revenu et lutter contre la malnutrition avec du niébé de qualité - Help Women Increase Their Income and Fight Malnutrition with Quality Beans
Community Video (Burkina Faso): Commercialisation des petits ruminants : Bien estimer pour mieux négocier (Gulmancema)
Community Video (Burkina Faso): Commercialisation des petits ruminants : Bien estimer pour mieux négocier (Fulfuldé)
Community Video (Burkina Faso): Commercialisation des petits ruminants : Bien estimer pour mieux négocier (Mooré)
Community Video (Burkina Faso): Planification famililale : Comment garder son jeune enfant et sa femme en bonne santé (Mooré)
Community Video (Burkina Faso): Planification familial : Comment garder son jeune enfant et sa femme en bonne santé (Gulmancema)
Improving Nutrition through Community Video in Guinea (French)
Improving Nutrition through Community Video in Guinea
Community Video (Niger): Participation a la Maison Familiale Harmonieuse - Building Harmony Among Family Members
Community Video (Niger): Technique de Potabilisation de L'Eau - Water Purifying Technique
Community Video (Niger): Comment Les Femmes Peuvent Profiter de L'Elevage - How Can Women Benefit from Keeping Small Cattle?
Community Video (Niger): Ne Laissons pas Les Tabous Alimentaires Freiner Notre Bonne Nutrition - Let’s Not Let Food Taboos Stop Our Good Nutrition
Community Video (Niger): La Bouillie Enrichie pour Des Enfants Intelligents - Enriched Porridge for Healthy Children
Community Video (Niger): Aidez vos Femmes pour le Bien de Tous - Help Your Wives for the Benefit of All
Community Video (Senegal): Advantages of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato
Community Video (Guinea): Allaitement Maternel Exclusif
Community Video (Guinea): Sechage des Aliments en Prevision de la Periode de Soudure
Community Video (Guinea): Toutes les Femmes Ont Besoin d’une Bonne Nutrition
Community Video (Guinea): La Diversification Alimentaire dans Nos Familles
Community Video (Guinea): Lavage des Mains à Tindo
Photo to Illustration Tutorial
How Partnerships Are Improving Nutrition in Senegal
Community Video (Senegal): Séchage et Conservation des Fruits et Légumes
Community Video (Senegal): L’Aviculture Villageoise Améliorée
Community Video (Senegal): La Diversification de la Production Agricole
Community Video (Senegal): Agréage Qualité du Maïs
Community Video (Senegal): Les Avantages de la Patate Douce à Chair Orange